Elliot Genealogy Project
The Elliot Clan Society is currently working on a large Elliot Genealogy Project. At this time, the Society is in the information gathering process, and would welcome your input.
NOTE: The Society does not provide “free genealogical research” or information gathering / providing.
The overriding objective of the Genealogy Project is to help Elliot Clan Society members in their research by electronically compiling the data of its members, worldwide. This will provide searching and linking capabilities.
Submitting Info
For those interested in submitting your information to the Elliot Genealogy Project, (and yes, that includes Elliots, Elliotts, Eliots, Eliotts) you can submit your info as a PAF file. Please follow these instructions when submitting information.
If you don’t have genealogy software on your computer, you can also download and print a Family History form. These forms have been designed so that information is submitted in a CONSISTANT, ORGANIZED manner. Please remember that we have to input all this data!
You can submit information to the following people:
- Canada — Brian Elliott
- New Zealand — Margaret Laurenson
- United States — See the USA branch Genealogy Database project
As the above people are all working together, feel free to send them any info you have, whether or not you reside in their particular locations or not. The information will be shared.
Requesting Info
If you are an Elliot Clan Society Member, you may send an e-mail to Brian Elliott (Canada) with your genealogical search request. Please be as specific and detailed in your information as possible, and please indicate your membership number! Also, be sure to include the words “ELLIOT GENEALOGY” in your subject line. In order for us to expand on this project, and to be fair to those who have spent countless hours researching and entering data, there is an expectation that you will also share your family history with the Society.
For those of you who are not Society members, the Society is still in the process of identifying how it will handle your requests. If you are interested in joining the Society, there are several regional chapters.
Elliott DNA Project
This project has been established to examine the historical and genetic origins of the Elliotts (or Elliots) and other Anglo-Scottish families known collectively as the Border Reivers.
- Visit the Elliott (And Border Reiver) DNA Project website for an unique look into our past.
- Elliott DNA lineage
Family Tree DNA Project
Family Tree DNA is dedicated to helping genealogists find lost relatives when the paper trail hits a brick wall. Our service was created for the serious amateurs and the professional genealogists who wish to extend their family trees by confirming a link where no conventional source records exist.
Search our Surname Projects for your last name, if you join the Surname Project, you will be entitled to the reduced group rates.
Genealogy Links
Elliot(t) Related
Other Clan Societies
- See the links page for links to other clan websites.
- National Archives of Canada — Archives nationales du Canada
- New Brunswick Birth, Civil Registration Records
- OCFA – The Ontario Cemetery Finding Aid – Genealogy
- The OLIVE TREE Genealogy Homepage
- Ancestry.com – Online Genealogy
- Ancestry.com – Family Trees
- Genbook Home Page.
- Global Genealogy Supply
- American-French Genealogical Society: Home Page
- Ontario Genealogical Society Home Page
- The Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia
United States
Please note, the Elliot Clan Society provides these genealogy links and information as a source of information only and is not responsible or accountable for the sharing or sourcing of any information submitted to, or received from, these sites.
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