Elliot book

The Elliots, The Story of a Border Clan
by The Dowager Lady Eliott of Stobs and Sir Arthur Eliott, 11th Baronet of Stobs.
121 pages

This genealogical history traces the fortunes of a famous Border family from the time of Robert the Bruce to the present day. By the sixteenth century the border clans collectively had gained the reputation of being “the finest light cavalry in all Europe” and the Elliots were prominent in the bloody battles and tortured politics of those times. Later generations were to produce Lord Heathfield of Gibraltar, Lord Minto of India, and a large number of prominent soldiers, sailors and statesmen. Branches of the Clan are now to be found all over the world — there are few clans larger than the Elliots, and none with a more spirited history.

This book gives a fascinating insight into local and national history over the centuries. It is in itself a remarkable piece of historical and genealogical research, pursued over the course of some forty years, and, for the most part, compiled from original charters and contemporary records.


  • Hardback £35.00
  • P&P charge £5 minimum *

Books may be obtained by sending a check in pounds sterling to:

Elliot Clan Society

* add £3 per book when ordering more than one, and add £5 for non-sterling cheques to cover bank charges. P&P covers surface mail only.

You can also pay via Paypal to redheugh@btinternet.com

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